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Game Art projects

A showcase of several smaller projects focusing on level design, asset production, and exploration of art styles. (Solo projects)

Platform: Windows PC.​

Engines used: Unity. Unreal Engine 4.

Time spent on project: Jul - Dec 2019 (5 months)

My job role(s): All. I developed these projects solo.

Software used: Unity. Unreal Engine 4. MAYA. Substance Painter. Photoshop. Audacity.


Projects details:

I did a 20 week Cert III in Game Art foundations, this collection of work would represent the highlights of what I produced during that course. But obviously I was still learning a lot back then so completed work was minimal, hence this combined collection of 3 main projects:

Warehouse was made as more level design and execution (but during my early diploma work), but going larger this time. I went with a pixel art texture style, and played around with shaders to get the thick black outline style for a comic effect to all the 3D assets. I had fun making all the different low poly props.

Level design of a desert arena in Unreal engine. This was a general design of a small level to show our skills in art style design and execution.

Art style exploration with cyberpunk themed dumpster & trash assets, and a street lamp, but with hand drawn art for a twist in the art style. Showing my UV unwrapping skills and hand drawn art texturing methods.


My contributions to these projects:

  • Game design.
    - The warehouse I intended to go further if we had time, and design a bit of a mystery narrative to this abandoned warehouse, you'd get outside at some point, but main focus was art/level design, which I delivered on time.
    - The desert arena was made with the idea of it being an arena to fight large creatures (hence the bones), a large crossbow was going to be in the centre, so basically they'd open the large doors, creature runs in and you have a small window of time to get to and fire the crossbow.. live or die! With crystals that connect to underground lava, hence the red glow on some.
    - As you can see in the video the cyberpunk level was intended to go much further, large claustrophobic buildings and back alleys, a crime scene etc. I did the greybox you can walk around but in the end only had time to finish the dumpster/trash assets, a poster and some street lights.

  • Art.
    - Everything. I made and textured all the 3D models.
    - Lots of hand drawn art by me which I enjoyed.
    - Did all the animation, lighting and particle FX.

  • Programming.
    - Nothing for these projects beyond some small player controller tweaks.

  • Audio.
    - Sourced, modified or created all the SFX in these projects.



Highlights from these projects:

  • A lot of hand drawn art I enjoyed using for art style mixing cyberpunk & hard drawn scribble type art together. Used the same style for my Bubbles robot level too.

  • The desert arena and Dumpster stuff was the first time I ever used UE4.

  • The Warehouse features a unique art style exploration of pixel art texturing, black outline shader, and some cell shading here & there.

  • Warehouse was my first major baked lighting scene I completed.

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